Austerity Diet & Feeding for Breeding
Austerity Diet

Feeding For Breeding
Many people wonder how to take care of their birds when they are expecting eggs or young in the nest. In fact, one of the most common questions I am asked is, "What should I feed a baby finch?" In most cases, you will not need to feed any babies directly, but rather provide the parents with a nutrient rich diet that is adequate for rearing their young. However, in order to breed birds successfully, good nutrition must be provided weeks before the first egg is ever laid.A hen requires an adequate diet to allow her to meet the stresses that reproduction places on her body. The degree of this reproductive stress is directly related to how many eggs she lays.6 In many species, a small number of eggs is laid and the nutrients required to produce them are taken from body stores.6 However,

In addition to amino acids, energy, and calcium, other nutrients (namely vitamins and minerals) are also required for healthy egg production. Together, these nutrients meet all of the embryo's needs for normal cell division, growth, and maturation.5 However, if a diet which allows for production is still deficient in any of these nutrients, embryo development may be abnormally affected5 or even ceased. Un-supplemented seed diets fed to hens which are experiencing vitamin deficiency often result in eggs that develop to a point but never hatch due to early embryonic death.5,6 Different deficiencies are responsible for embryonic death at different stages of development. If a blood ring forms after approximately 3 days of development, but further growth ceases, the embryo's death was most likely due to vitamin A deficiency.5 If a chick was too weak to complete the hatching process, resulting in death immediately prior to hatch, a deficiency in one or more of the following nutrients is likely: biotin, folic acid, riboflavin, and vitamin B12.5 Finally, if an embryo dies due to malformation, suspect a zinc and/or manganese deficiency.5
If a nutrient-adequate diet was fed to a healthy, producing hen, fertilized eggs that do not experience any other problems (such as contamination, improper incubation, or breakage) will hatch. Shortly prior

In fact, the main reason for dramatically increasing the plane of nutrition given to the parents during breeding is to provide them with an adequate diet to feed their young.5 In addition to meeting the requirements for chick growth, other benefits should result from providing such a rich diet during breeding. For instance, proper daily feeding for optimal chick growth will decrease the duration of the chicks in the nest.5 Additionally, a moderately high plane of nutrition should optimize the parents' body stores by allowing for the ready repletion of depleted stores.5 This, in turn, promotes the rapid recycling of the hen through preparing her physiologically for laying a second clutch.5
As altricial birds, parent finches consume food and water which is stored in their crops until it is regurgitated for their chicks. This food must contain the correct proportions of each required nutrient if the chicks are to grow efficiently and to their maximum potential.6 While stored in the crop, the food settles into stratified layers with the highest water content present in the top layers.6 The behavioral adaptation (witnessed in budgies,6 but likely also applicable to finches) of feeding the chicks in order from youngest to oldest allows for the youngest chicks to receive the highest proportions of water as they are fed from the top most layers in the crop. This presumably ensures that the chicks who need the most water in their diet receive it, as younger chicks have a higher water requirement than older chicks.6
Through their begging behaviors, chicks stimulate their parents to retrieve and deliver food back to the nest.6 According to observations made during experiments with breeding cockatiels, begging behavior may be one indicator of the adequacy of the diet for chicks.6 Chicks who did not receive enough protein in their diet (only 10-15%) begged more vigorously and more often than chicks that received adequate amounts of dietary protein (20%).6 Those chicks who were over-fed protein (35%), on the other hand, rejected feedings and even regurgitated some of their food.6 This shows that chicks who receive adequate amounts of a nutritionally balanced diet will remain peaceful most of the time, and only beg infrequently, whereas malnourished chicks will beg more or reject feeding if they are under or over nourished, respectively. Of course other factors may contribute to feeding rejection, including disease, environmental change, temperature of the diet, the natural shrinkage of the crop that occurs when the chick reaches peak body weight, or simply because of the weaning process.6
In conclusion, here are some feeding tips for when you are expecting eggs or young in the nest:

- Preferably starting before any eggs are laid, feed the parents-to-be a high quality egg mix or appropriate, nutrient-rich soft food. Also, provide a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables daily while breeding. Continue providing these supplements daily after the chicks hatch to act as a nestling food.
- Have a calcium source (such as cuttle bone, cooked and mashed eggshell, or ground-up oyster shell) available at all times.
- For insect eating birds (some of which require insects as a substantial [30-60%] portion of their diet), a high quality puppy food soaked in water and then mixed with a good vitamin and mineral supplement is recommended as a base diet.7 Some species may not breed successfully unless provided with live insects or an insect mix in large quantities which are refilled multiple times per day.